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How Martial Arts Improve Your Child’s Confidence

Martial arts help children develop inner confidence, which is essential for future success.  A good martial arts class gives children an opportunity to develop self-confidence and the discipline required to live a productive adult life. Practising martial arts isn’t all about getting exercise. However, children who partake in regular physical activity will gain more confidence as they learn new skills and give their body an outlet for extra energy. The discipline involved in learning martial arts can affect other areas of your child’s life, most specifically their confidence.

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History & Origins

Mars the God of War
History of Martial Arts

Why are Martial Arts called ‘Martial Arts?’

The name ‘martial arts’ doesn’t actually have roots in East Asia, but in Europe. The term literally means ‘arts of Mars.’ To elaborate, Mars is the name of the Roman god of war and was revered as one of the most powerful gods of Ancient Rome. 

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History of Martial Arts

What Was The First Martial Art?

Martial arts have enthralled and astounded us for millennia. Despite having roots that date back to pre-historic times, to this day there are few activities that are better placed to keep us in shape while helping its students to learn how to defend themselves in combat situations.

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How Martial Arts helps kids combat bullying – Infographic

It’s Anti Bullying Week this week. Bullying has far-reaching negative effects that can injure kids self-esteem and cause behavioural problems in the future. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways of nipping this in the bud, and martial arts is considered a very effective option.