Read the latest advice for Parents on how to keep the kids active.
If you’re looking for a fun activity you can book in one of 1000s of Martial Arts classes all over the UK.

How lockdown has affected mental health in children
The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has been felt on all people of all generations across the world and it will take all of us a long time to readjust as restrictions begin to ease. Especially as we know social distancing, quarantines and testing may stay a standard part of our lives for some time yet.

6 tips on choosing a Martial Arts school
If you’re new to martial arts, it’s important to choose the right school for your purpose. While it can be tempting to simply choose the

How Martial Arts helps kids combat bullying – Infographic
It’s Anti Bullying Week this week. Bullying has far-reaching negative effects that can injure kids self-esteem and cause behavioural problems in the future. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways of nipping this in the bud, and martial arts is considered a very effective option.

20 Activities To Do With The Children
There are plenty of things to do with kids that are fun, free and mostly indoors, so they can be enjoyed no matter what the

Low Cost Fitness Activities For Children
Helping children stay active can be one of hardest challenges facing any parent, especially when kids face distractions such as game consoles, smartphones and laptops.

10 Back To School Tips for Parents
The back to school period can be filled with both joy and sadness. You’ve enjoyed spending more time with the kids over the summer but

Building Self Esteem In Children
For children with low self esteem, it can sometimes take more than a few encouraging words to help give them confidence they need in everyday

Helping Children Who Are Being Bullied
Bullying can occur anywhere whether it’s at school, online or in communities. Bullying can have a long lasting effect on children so whether you spot

Kids Activities That Won’t Break The Bank
However, entertaining on a shoestring needn’t be a chore, and as variety is the spice of life, try planning something active and different to usual.