Mental Health Benefits of Martial Arts

Benefits of Martial Arts

The top 7 Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids

If you’re looking for a new sport or activity for your child, have you considered martial arts? Martial arts are very varied and can teach kids a range of useful skills, plus it’s a fantastic way to keep fit. You can choose from different disciplines such as taekwondo, karate, Brazilian

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Benefits of Martial Arts

How Martial Arts Improve Your Child’s Confidence

Martial arts help children develop inner confidence, which is essential for future success. A good martial arts class gives children an opportunity to develop self-confidence and the discipline required to live a productive adult life. Practising martial arts isn’t all about getting exercise. However, children who partake in regular physical

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Anti Bullying

Dealing with Bullying with Martial Arts

Having to deal with bullying can be one of the most challenging things in life. Having someone be unpleasant to you combined with a sense of powerlessness in being able to stop them or respond appropriately, often leads to a loss of confidence and self-esteem. This is where martial arts

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Benefits of Martial Arts

How Martial Arts Helps Kids To Learn Self-control

You want the best for your child, and this is not only aimed at physical things like the best clothes or the latest cellphone. You want your child to be equipped with everything mentally and emotionally so that they can live the best possible life. Characteristics like discipline and willpower

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Benefits of Martial Arts

How Martial Arts Teaches Your Child Commitment

Are you finding it difficult for your child to complete tasks? Even daily chores at home, you need to remind them daily to do it, and it’s always a struggle with a lot of sighs, grunts and foot-stomping. And let’s not even get started on school work! How many nights

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Advice for Parents

How lockdown has affected mental health in children

The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has been felt on all people of all generations across the world and it will take all of us a long time to readjust as restrictions begin to ease. Especially as we know social distancing, quarantines and testing may stay a standard part of

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