Mental Health Benefits of Martial Arts

Benefits of Martial Arts

Best Exercise for Losing Weight – Infographic

Everyone lets themselves go a little bit over the holidays, and it can be difficult to shift that weight afterwards. If you’re looking for a fun and effective way to lose weight, getting involved in a martial arts class is one of the best ways to go.

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Benefits of Martial Arts

Martial Arts for all ages

Martial Arts allow men to let off a little steam and unwind from the stress of the day, while the meditation sessions that are included in most classes are geared towards allowing the mind time to relax and refresh. Taking Martial Arts classes is the perfect way of making time

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Benefits of Martial Arts

How Tai Chi Can Help with Arthritis

According to Arthritis Research UK, not only are we living longer, but we’re also struggling for a greater period with any existing conditions towards the later stages of life. Dealing with the physical pain from conditions such as arthritis is an excruciating battle. Physical exercise has been proven to ease

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Anti Bullying

How Martial Arts Can Help Stop Bullying

Bullying is every parents’ nightmare. The last thing you want is your child to come home from school and say that they’ve been picked on. Bullying has far-reaching negative effects that can injure their self-esteem and cause behavioural problems in the future. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways of

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Mental Benefits

Helping Children With Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that can affect a child’s ability to learn reading, writing and spelling. With one in 10 of the UK population estimated to have dyslexia, this means there’s a potential 6.3 million people who might have the condition, according to But dyslexia not only affects children

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