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History & Origins

A Martial Arts Black Belt
History of Martial Arts

What is a Black Belt? – Steps Towards Success

Today, the term ‘black belt’ has transcended the likes of judo and karate, and taken on a meaning of its own in popular culture. The black belt is the highest coloured belt within many martial arts ranking formats, so logically its very mention conjures images of experts punching through bricks and kicking through thick strips of wood.

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How Martial Arts helps kids combat bullying – Infographic

It’s Anti Bullying Week this week. Bullying has far-reaching negative effects that can injure kids self-esteem and cause behavioural problems in the future. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways of nipping this in the bud, and martial arts is considered a very effective option.

Building Self Esteem In Children

For children with low self esteem, it can sometimes take more than a few encouraging words to help give them confidence they need in everyday