Mental Health Benefits of Martial Arts

Martial Arts and your brain
Benefits of Martial Arts

How Martial Arts can improve your mental health

It is no secret that exercise can do wonders for your physical health; from weight loss to a healthier heart, the physical benefits of exercise go on and on. Yet, the benefits exercise can have on your mental health still go unacknowledged by many, despite it being one of the

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Advice for Parents

How Martial Arts helps kids combat bullying – Infographic

It’s Anti Bullying Week this week. Bullying has far-reaching negative effects that can injure kids self-esteem and cause behavioural problems in the future. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways of nipping this in the bud, and martial arts is considered a very effective option.

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Benefits of Martial Arts

How Martial Arts Can Boost Your Child’s Confidence

If your child is known as the “shy kid”, it can be really tough going for them. Having low self-confidence can make life all the more difficult – but taking martial arts can help.   While you might think that engaging in martial arts only offers physical benefits, there are

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Benefits of Martial Arts

19 Ways Martial Arts Benefits Children

19 WAYS MARTIAL ARTS BENEFITS CHILDREN Martial Arts is often seen as an excellent way to help your children progress in life. No matter which type of martial art your child might select, it’s vital that you encourage them to get involved when they show an interest. Here are just

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Benefits of Martial Arts

Why Martial Arts is the Best Exercise for Losing Weight

The holidays are over. The turkey and ham have been consumed. The mince pies have been devoured. If you even so much as smell another Bailey’s hot chocolate, it will be too soon. Everyone lets themselves go a little bit over the holidays, and it can be difficult to shift

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