Archives: Locations
Sansum Blackbelt Academy Elgin
Fochabers Taekwon-Do
We teach the Korean art of Taekwon-Do to anyone over the age of seven who wishes to study a true martial art under a Master Instructor who has trained with the Founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong-Hi, and the pioneer who brought Taekwon-Do to the UK in 1967, First Grand Master Rhee Ki-Ha. Master Cattanach’s […]
Schools of Kung Fu Edinburgh
Kuk sool won Edinburgh
Kuk Sool Won TM of Edinburgh and Falkirk was opened by school owner and 6th Degree Black Belt Master Donald Mackenzie. Master Donald is the highest ranked Scottish Instructor and was also the first ever Kuk Sool WonTM Black Belt in Scotland, so you are guaranteed to learn from someone with vast experience! For over […]
Kuk sool won Edinburgh
Kuk Sool Won TM of Edinburgh and Falkirk was opened by school owner and 6th Degree Black Belt Master Donald Mackenzie. Master Donald is the highest ranked Scottish Instructor and was also the first ever Kuk Sool WonTM Black Belt in Scotland, so you are guaranteed to learn from someone with vast experience! For over […]
Randori Dojo
Pre School Judosaurus 3/4yrs, Randori Junior Judo 5-13yrs, Randori Senior Judo 14yrs+, the dojo gym, projects & Events.
St John’s and Kings Park Church
UKTC Taekwondo-Do: Children (5 Years+), Teenagers, and Adults Suitable for both Males and Females, Taekwondo-Do will improve your fitness, coordination and self-confidence. Taekwondo-Do training is safe, practical, and enjoyable. Little Tiger Cubs: Children (3-5 years) Little Tiger Cub classes feature a variety of fun and engaging exercises, loosely based on the teaching attributes of martial […]
Loanhead Leisure Centre
UKTC Taekwondo-Do: Children (5 Years+), Teenagers, and Adults Suitable for both Males and Females, Taekwondo-Do will improve your fitness, coordination and self-confidence. Taekwondo-Do training is safe, practical, and enjoyable. Little Tiger Cubs: Children (3-5 years) Little Tiger Cub classes feature a variety of fun and engaging exercises, loosely based on the teaching attributes of martial […]